The Adventist Laymen Services and Industries chapter for the south Bahamas conference held its annual service at the Berea church on October 13, 2018. There, members from different churches and family islands gathered together to fellowship. Following the theme of sharing Christ in the Marketplace, speaker President Ian Greene Sr. delivered a powerful message on unity. He encouraged everyone to begin the ministry of being a witness inside the churches. It is only then he noted when the church is stronger together that we can effectively minister to others. The purpose of ASI is not to wonder what can be done for you, but what you can do for others in Christ. As part of the celebration of the day, ASI and Berean members showed love and appreciation to stalwart member, Bertrum Sears, who at 90 years old who has played a fundamental part in the growth and ministry at the Berea church.
The ASI team also wants to invite you to the annual business and trade fair on Sunday November 18, 2018, at HD Colburn gymnasium. This is an opportunity to learn of the different business, products, and services that our Adventist sisters and brothers are offering, and an opportunity to support Adventist businesses. For more information you can contact 556-0492.
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